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How to Use the Power of Visualisation to Achieve Your Goals

“If you want to reach a goal you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.” – Zig Ziglar

Professional athletes and other highly successful people use the power of visualisation technique to achieve their goals on a regular basis. This is because studies show that the brain processes in terms of images, and ‘seeing’ your goal achieved increases your chance of it actually happening.

Seeing your goal achieved and in particular the actions you took to get there creates the illusion in your brain that it’s already happened – it’s a ‘done deal’. The brain is tricked into believing it already and this gives you the edge in making it happen for real.

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.” – Bo Bennett

You can use formal ‘guided’ visualisation techniques on a regular basis if that suits, but equally as effective is simply closing your eyes, relaxing your brain and working through each step in the active current state of your mind and achieving your successful outcome. At the very end don’t forget to remember what your success outcome feels like, what it looks like, and what it means to you.

You can use this method for anything you want to see happen – of course you still have to go through the practical actions you need to take, but it seems easier and you face less (internal) barriers. Try it for a week & see what results you gain.

“Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.” – Robert Collier

Remember, a qualified supportive coach can help guide you through the process of making your aspirations a reality – get in contact today to find your inner image of success!