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The weeks & months are ticking by, & I can’t quite believe that it’s now two years since I left my previous role within the NHS with my redundancy, a new qualification, aspirations of being ‘my own woman’ and a genuine excitement & spring in my step!

Well…..how things change…!? The qualification still stands and has been added to – I’m now a Govt Mentor too; the redundancy money is long gone – living life, expensive children and several holidays including a month in Australia at Christmas has seen to that. So what about aspirations of being ‘my own woman’….& having a spring in my step…? I like to think that most days it’s all still there. How do I know that…?

One thing I have realised (just this morning in fact), is that during the last two years I think I’ve really lived my life.  I’ve said ‘Yes’ to lots of new work opportunities (contributing to a book); done pro-bono work to gain more understanding and give back; and more importantly, had some amazing experiences with my family: watched our home-grown Olympic Games ; sampled strawberries at Wimbledon; travelled to Australia and so on. Now, before, you start wondering if I’ve won the lottery…..I also want to add in that it’s the other experiences that I’m more proud of…..entering the Milk Race as a family this year; running the National Lottery Anniversary run in the Olympic Stadium in a few weeks’ time; saying ‘Yes’ to a ridiculous amount of play-dates & sleep-overs for the children; going on long walks in freezing temperatures getting cold & muddy.

Saying ‘Yes’ isn’t always easy or the right thing to do, but for the moment I’m doing it & I’m seeing the benefits of being more open to new experiences and people. Try saying ‘Yes’ to someone or something today.

Let me know what happens for you.