07413 549915

Developing Leaders and Teams


Equip your emerging talent to thrive during rapid growth

The challenges of rapid career progression

When your organisation experiences rapid growth, the talent within your teams is often thrust into a leadership role of proportions that come with huge challenges. Young managers will no doubt have the appetite to step into that leadership role with gusto but, they can quickly become overwhelmed and a negative experience can lead them to feel that they are not up to the job.

A symptom of this rapid career progression can be poor decision making and the emergence of a toxic culture as other employees feel the negative effects of being poorly managed. It’s common for apathy to also set in at this stage and an attitude of “we’ve always done it like this” to be prevalent amongst more experienced team leaders which can ostracise emerging talent and foster feelings of resentment.

The knock-on effect of this is that new managers may feel they aren’t up to the job, lose confidence and may even seek alternate roles elsewhere.

Support new team leaders to shine

It is essential to support new team leaders and develop them to shine in their new position. This works best when senior management are invested in the idea of supporting new leaders as this demonstrates commitment in growing together.

Bringing in an external coach to develop leaders and teams is the perfect opportunity for emerging talent to feel empowered to share their concerns and ideas for change. Senior management become hands off at this point and allow their employees to shape how they work together in a way that is beneficial for all involved.

80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills

86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more

(source: International Coach Federation 2009)

Benefits of Leadership Coaching

Organisations that have a plan to support staff as they upscale and look to work harder and smarter will reap the benefits of a workforce that is equipped to step up to the challenge.

  • Nurture talent to avoid burnout
  • Grow the confidence of your new team leaders
  • Your team works smarter, not harder
  • Lower staff churn
  • Build your reputation as a great employer

How Leadership Coaching works

Available as one-to-one sessions or in small groups, leadership coaching sets up a thriving environment for staff. Covering role-modelling as a leader, effective communications, personal motivation and motivating a team, participants are given the tools they need to succeed in their new role.

This could take place in a half day or full day workshop on leadership themes plus some one-to-one time with emerging talent. The team comes back together afterwards to do a wrap up day to see how far they have come.