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Happy Holidays – Summer Newsletter

Holiday are nearly upon us & it’s the perfect time to relax, re-charge and possibly re-think the year so far. It’s great to look back & celebrate our achievements so far and often leads us to aspire and then plan the next few months ahead. Please have a quick read and let me know how you check-in with yourself on any personal and work goals you may have. Don’t forget, a coach might be able to help you pause and celebrate your achievements so far this year and offer a boost to keep you going


Half-Way There…

In addition to being a Bon Jovi lyric for ‘Livin On A Prayer’ – we are indeed ‘half-way there’ in terms of the calendar year right now. This milestone in the year has reminded me of those conversations about resolutions we seem to have at the New Year. Personal resolutions such as: getting fitter; joining a gym; spending more quality time with our family and so on. Lots of us also make work-based goals: secure a promotion; find a new job in a new company; build better work relationships; make an impact at work etc.

Yet despite our best efforts, research shows that just 8% of us fully achieve our New Year’s resolution with 25% of people who make goals giving up within the first week! http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2013/01/01/just-8-of-people-achieve-their-new-years-resolutions-heres-how-they-did-it/

With that in mind, and to support myself in achieving one of my goals this year, I joined an online community and made a public commitment which was tracked via an app. Crucially, I was ‘rewarded’ with feedback and ‘thumbs up’ icons and I felt my achievements were celebrated. I lasted a full 6 weeks doing it this way – definitely longer than I would have done normally and it encouraged me to add new elements into my exercise routine, which, continue to this day.

If you made a resolution or a commitment to a goal earlier this year – how is it going? Have you achieved what you set out to do? Have you changed behavior and habits you previously struggled with?

Even if you haven’t yet fully reached your aim, it’s still worth thinking about how far you have come and celebrating the small changes that often add up and create a more positive life. Perhaps, that original goal is no longer relevant – that’s fine, things change. But what new goal is now more relevant and excites you…? Have you drifted and now want to ensure you realise at least one new goal this year…?

To help you achieve a goal in 2015, you could try this simple exercise:

  • Write down the goal you want to achieve & set a timeframe
  • Think about the behaviours and actions you now need to initiate:
    1. What could you STOP doing – ie: what are you currently doing that makes it hard for that goal to be realised..?
    2. What behaviours or attitudes could you MINIMISE/REDUCE to help support your goal
    3. What new actions could you START doing
    4. What’s going well that you should CONTINUE that supports your goal
  • Think about your environment including your support network that will help you achieve your aim and any ‘tools’ you might need

Remember, identify a goal that you are motivated and committed to achieve. Be bold and be public in your commitment. Write it down or use a vision board. Track your progress – one small step at a time. Find an advocate to support you & don’t forget to celebrate when you achieve it!

A good coach can be the ideal advocate when tackling big life-changing goals. A coach is a cheerleader supporting you and offers important constructive feedback to keep you on track, and when you have achieved – they can help you review and celebrate your efforts!